Teleommunications data retention / 2006/24/EG

Michael Cardell Widerkrantz mc at
Sun May 15 14:54:32 CEST 2011

"Jon Otterholm" <jon.otterholm at>, 2011-02-22 14:30 (+0100):

> As a member of EU, ISP's in Sweden are now force to comply with
> 2006/24/EG from 2011-07-01.
> In short we have store information about our customers communication
> with the rest of the world - and we are not happy being forced to do
> this.
> In Denmark ISP's have done this for a while and (as to my knowledge)
> they are using Cisco Netflow to do this. 

Denmarks implementation of the law is overkill compared to what the
directive actually says. The Swedish law doesn't require this.

I haven't looked into the final law text but I did an analysis of an
earlier text in my blog (in Swedish, I'm afraid):

In short, if you are a provider that falls under the LEK law

and are registered with the PTS as such a provider you are supposed to

  - Telephony: 

    + Numbers and or IP addresses if it's IP telephony, but *only* if
      it's bridged to POTS.
    + Registrated user.
    + Timestamp.
    + Endpoints.

    and some extra stuff if it's a cell phone. Note that straight SIP to
    SIP, Skype or any other IP-only telephony is not covered.

  - Mail and SMS

    + Adresses.
    + Registrated user.
    + Timestamp.

  - Internet connection (probably PPP/PPPoE/IP over cable, DHCP, et cetera)

    + IP addresses
    + Registrated user
    + Timestamps.
    + Endpoint addresses (things like switch port and used MAC address)

All this might already be covered by your ordinary logs. You might have
to store them longer to be compliant with the new law, but that's
probably the only thing you have to do. There's no need to use Netflow
or peek at the actual traffic, AFAIK.

Note, though, IANAL.

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