[SAGE-MUC] Invitation to Nerdmare before Christmas (fwd)

Julian H. Stacey jhs at berklix.com
Fr Dez 11 02:38:44 CET 2015

Hi lists 
	bim at berklix.org, mecc at berklix.org, faraday at berklix.org,
	techtalk at berklix.org, sage-muc at guug.de
Forwarded from: "Julian H. Stacey" <jhs at berklix.com> http://berklix.com/~jhs/
(I jhs@ just got back from UK, hence delayed forward but still 7 days to go)

------- Forwarded Message

>From nhitze at gmail.com Tue Dec  1 16:06:36 2015
From: Nils Hitze <nhitze at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 16:05:56 +0100
Message-ID: <CAMNQ7x=XBsJRGa3sc1kheQL+Xfv1hNy_rFPLo95mzNk2CNShvQ at mail.gmail.com>
Subject: Invitation to Nerdmare before Christmas
To: kojote at pked.de
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It is that time of the year again.

Everywhere IT Departments get swamped by gifts from Suppliers, we burn
the last of the years budget and the switches light up like a Christmas

Since we don't want you to spend your time lonely in your NerdBasement
i hereby invite you to the Nerdmare Before Christmas Party!

Traditionally it will take place at the famous niederlassung.org at
the 18th of December, starting at around 7:00 pm.

Feel free to bring your Nerdfriends that are Offline right now, taking
care for their VAX and your friend trapped in their Basement and these
that are still missing in the pile of legacy code your PFY produced.

Please register yourself with a Nick or your Realname at:

As always we need some sponsors, 100 € already buy you a banner and our
eternal (depending on the amount of drinks we had) gratitude.

So feel free to send me a private Mail with the exact amount your
company want's to spend and your Logo plus Landingpage we should link to.

Thanks in advance!

p.s. UG Leaders - you know what to do! Spread!

Kind regards,
Munichs best looking Evangelist

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