[sage] Apple Security Guru gesucht

Snoopy snoopy at snoopix.de
Tue Jun 3 14:28:39 CEST 2014

Ahoi ihr Lieben,

$KUNDE sucht Berater wg. Apple Security im Geofencing Umfeld...

Wenn jemand als sowas macht oder jemand kennt oder weiss, wo dessen
Handtuch ist, etc. etc :-)

Kontakt bitte über/an mich...



"The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate the
who speak it. In a time of universal deceit speaking the truth is a
revolutionary act."
	- George Orwell

"I fear that it will not be long, before schoolchildren will read 1984
not as a dystopia but rather as a happy fairy tale about life before total
	- Thomas Maus

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