[SAGE-Stuttgart] Jenseits des Tellerrands - Java User Group, HFT: JBoss AS7, Arquillian und Seam Forge

Andri Holmgeirsson aholm at hotmail.de
Do Nov 3 16:25:01 CET 2011

Einladung der Java User Group Stuttgart und der HFT Stuttgart zum Vortragsabend:
=== JBoss AS7, Arquillian und Seam Forge ===
am Montag, 7. November 2011, 19.00 Uhran der Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart, Raum U28
Schellingstr. 24, 70174 Stuttgart
Wegbeschreibung: http://www.hft-stuttgart.de/Hochschule/Kontakt/index.html/de 
Anmeldung unter http://sigjboss1111.eventbrite.com/ - der Eintritt ist kostenfrei. 
Vortragende: die JBoss-Entwickler Dan Allan, Andrew Rubinger und Lincoln Baxter III 
(alle Vorträge sind auf Englisch):  
Real Java Enterprise Testing (mit Arquillian)
- Dan Allan
This presentation unveils the missing link in enterprise Java development: simple, portable integration tests. 
It introduces a solution in the first half of the session and demonstrates it in the second. 
Unit tests and mocks get you only so far. 
Eventually you need to verify that your components operate and interact correctly in their intended environment - you need integration tests. 
Yet writing integration tests has meant taking on the barrier of bootstrapping the necessary infrastructure.
Arquillian, a container-oriented testing framework built on TestNG and JUnit, tears down this barrier. 
It enables you to write portable tests that invoke real components using real enterprise services in a real runtime. 
In other words, you can write real tests. 
* Dan Allan ist Principal Software Engineer at JBoss by Red Hat; 
JBoss Community Liaison; Seam & Arquillian project member; Author of Seam in Action; Open Source Advocate. 
Er ist  @mojavelinux auf Twitter.  
Death of the slow - AS7
- Andrew Rubinger
Nowhere does the Java EE specification dictate that your container must be slow. 
Come see the latest Enterprise Java offering from the JBoss Community: Application Server 7. 
This session provides an introduction to the completely revamped popular application server, including an overview of its features from a developer-centric perspective. 
It shows how quickly and easily you can deploy an application from the IDE, bringing new meaning to the term rapid development. 
Further, it covers the new modular ClassLoading, service layer, and management designed right into the core. 
The future of Java EE is here, and it's fast. 
* Andrew Lee Rubinger ist Open-source Software Developer - Author of EJB 3.1 from O'Reilly Media - 
Speaker on Enterprise Java - JBoss Senior Software Engineer. 
Er ist @alrubinger auf Twitter.  
Forge new ground in rapid Java Enterprise development
- Lincoln Baxter III
How many times have you wanted to start a new project in Java EE, but struggled to put all the pieces together? 
Has the Maven archetype syntax left you scratching your head? 
Everyone else is talking about Rails, Grails, and Roo, and you’re left thinking, "I wish it were that easy for me." 
Well, there’s good news: You don’t have to leave Java EE just to find a developer tool that makes starting out simple. 
Seam Forge is heating up Java EE, and is ready to work it into a full-fledged project.
Seam Forge is also an incremental enhancement tool that lets you to take an existing Java EE project and safely work in new functionality. 
Seam Forge comprehends your entire project, including the abstract structure of the files, and can make intelligent decisions on how and what to change.
Whether you want to get your start-up going today or make your big customers happy tomorrow, Seam Forge is a tool that you should be looking into. 
Attend this session and get started - today! 
* Lincoln Baxter III ist Senior Software Engineer at JBoss, by Red Hat. 
Founder of OcpSoft, and opensource author / advocate.. 
Er ist @lincolnthree auf Twitter. 		 	   		  
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