[sage-berlin] 2 Stellen als Linux/HPC System Administrator in Berlin

Alf.Wachsmann at mdc-berlin.de Alf.Wachsmann at mdc-berlin.de
Do Nov 30 11:15:47 CET 2017



wir suchen ab sofort 2 Linux/HPC System Administratoren:


- Administration, monitoring, tuning and extension of the Linux-based HPC cluster (3000+ cores plus GPUs, 1PB GPFS, 3 PB NFS), and connected systems, such as job queue (Grid Engine), storage (DDN) 

- Realize seamless data flow from sequencing and mass spectrometry devices with scripting and monitoring 

- Support of scientific computing for international scientists with a scientific focus different from computing and informatics 

- Contribute to user support and user documentation 

- Contribute to evaluation of new technologies and planning and realization clusters extensions 


Details und Bewerbungen unter: https://www.mdc-berlin.de/jobs/808418/10883


Viele Grüße, Alf Wachsmann.


Leader Department of Scientific Computing

Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine

Tel: +49-(0)30-9406-2611

Cell: +49-(0)176-8462-0800

 <mailto:Alf.Wachsmann at mdc-berlin.de> Alf.Wachsmann at mdc-berlin.de


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