[SAGE-MUC] Einladung: Brace yourself - Nerdmare is Coming

Wolfgang Stief stief at guug.de
Fr Nov 22 12:18:47 CET 2013

Hallo Admins!

Nils Hitze organisiert auch dieses Jahr wieder das "Nerdmare before
Christmas" in der Niederlassung. Die letzten Jahre gab es da immer
zumindest für ein paar Stunden Freibier, gesponsort überwiegend von
Firmen, aber auch die GUUG hat da immer bisschen Geld in den Topf
geworfen. War immer eine recht illustre und interessante Runde von
IT-Menschen aus allen möglichen Bereichen.

Nachfolgend die offizielle Einladung von Nils.


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Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:38:11 +0100
From: Nils Hitze <nhitze at gmail.com>
To: nils at make-germany.de
Subject: [talk] Brace yourself - Nerdmare is Coming

It is that time of the year again.

Time to fire up LEDs, your mechanical 100 foot firedragon, your C64
Emulator or whatever keeps you warm at night.

I am calling all you Nerds, Geeks and Makers and hereby invite you to
the Nerdmare Before Christmas Party!

Traditionally it will take place at the famous niederlassung.org at
the 20th of December, starting at around 7:00 pm.

Feel free to bring your Nerdfriends that are Offline right now, taking
care for their VAX and your friend trapped in their Basement and these
that are still missing in the pile of legacy code your PFY produced.

Please register yourself with a Nick or your Realname at:

We will try to have free beer, but for this we need Sponsors.

So feel free to send me a private Mail with the exact amount your
company want's to spend and your Logo plus Landingpage we should link

Thanks in advance!

p.s. UG Leaders - you know what to do!

Kind regards,
your one and only Superconnector Nils

----------end forwarded message ----------

German Unix User Group     T: +49-89-380 125 95 0
Postfach 25 01 23          F: +49-89-380 125 95 9
D-44739 Bochum             http://www.guug.de/
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