[SAGE-MUC] Guru Grill 2013 - Erstes Announcement

Snoopy snoopy at snoopix.de
Fr Mai 31 14:52:04 CEST 2013

Liebe Sagies,

schonmal vorab zur Planung:

der diesjährige Münchner Guru Grill im Rahmen des
Sysadmin-Appreciation-Days 2013
wird am Freitag 26 Juli 2013 stattfinden.

Location: Snoopy's Doghouse, Weissenfeld :-)

Mehr Details dann wie üblich ca. Ende Juni.

Wir hoffen das wird ein netter Einstieg in die Sommerferien: die
beginnen Mittwoch, 31.  Juli.

In inniger Vorfreude!

Snoopy & The Pack


"Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have.
It is the very last inch of us, but within that inch, we are free.  [...]
An inch - it is small and it is fragile and it is the only thing in the
worth having.  We must never lose it or give it away, we must never let
them take it from us."
                                 - Valerie in "V for Vendetta"

Snoopy EDV-Beratung
Am Rain 16
85622 Weissenfeld
Voice:  +49-171-710 03 23
Paper: +49-171-719 35 28
USt-ID: DE233252526